D'you know what my new favorite thing this holiday season is?
Constant job postings for positions that either (a) don't exist or (b) aren't being hired until 2010.
Nothing like giving a guy a glimmer of hope only to kick him in the crotch shortly thereafter.
The same restaurant here in Victoria has officially posted - on the Services Canada Job Bank - the same position three different times in the last four weeks.
I've applied... twice.
Last week - the second time I applied - I sent my resume via email to the contact person, since going into the restaurant and speaking with one of the managers didn't seem to work.
Wrote a charming email (as you would expect) and even reminder her how easy it would be to remember my name, as her last name is Spencer. Witty, I know.
The result? Nothing...
So I just got off the phone with her, seeing as said position is once again on the Job Bank. Turns out they're just collecting resumes and have no real idea when they will actually be hiring.
Here's a novel idea - instead of posting that the position is needed to start immediately, hows about mentioning that you're just collecting resumes so I don't think I am the least skilled waiter in the world or my references are sabotaging me for their own amusement!
Also awesome is the always enjoyable, "Gimme a day or two to talk to our Front of House Manager and I'll get back to you" I've also received from another restaurant who has numerous postings littered all over the web.
That was a week ago.
What makes it all the more pleasurable is that I currently work with said GM's close friend who knows I've applied and desperately want to stop working nine hour shifts picking produce. Nothing makes me feel all the more wanted than knowing the GM and his friend have discussed me on a number of occasions only to have my phone consistently not ring.
Boo - urns!
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
I So Confused
Posted by
E. Spencer Kyte
3:26 PM
Labels: Employment, Restaurant, Serving, Working, WTF
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