"It's not you - it's your metabolism."
I heard this slogan for one of the umpteen million weight loss programs out there last night, as their ad showing before and after pictures of success ran on my television.
Now, I can't remember if they were hocking pills, drinks, injections or snake oil, but I do remember instantly writing down their slogan while trying desperately not to piss myself.
While I certainly shouldn't be surprised that some company has gone this route, what with Acid Reflux having graduated from a pain-in-the-ass that makes you pop a couple Zantac and deal with to a full-blown disease, this one certainly takes the cake.
Umm... cake.
D'you know why I'm tipping the scales at 210 pounds? It certainly isn't because of my metabolism...
It might have something to do with the general lack of exercise, piss-poor diet and enjoyment of smoking, not to mention making like the fat kid in the picture two times over every time I hit the Golden Arches.
Here's the truth: while genetics certainly play a role in a person's weight, so too does chowing down on more fast food than fresh vegetables no matter how many times you get a Diet Coke with your combo.
But outside of the hyper-healthy screaming freakshows on The Biggest Loser, no one wants to tell the "slim challenged" set that they had anything to do with being the weight they are.
So they blame genetics.
Or your metabolism.
Or work, family life, a lack of time, opportunity or just about every other variable imaginable.
Don't worry, it's not you: your metabolism is to blame.
Now drive a block and a half to the corner store and pick up a 2L of Diet Coke, two bags of Doritos and a couple of Snickers to make yourself feel better.
Monday, October 12, 2009
Passing the Big, Fat Buck
Posted by
E. Spencer Kyte
3:29 PM
Labels: Fat Bastard, McDonalds, Stupid People
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I love Zantac... relieves my heartburn, hope I can also take it to relieve my heartache! LOL Got it online at www.medsheaven.com
I was searching for a good book to help me with my diet. In the end I googled it and found this site http://www.hungryforweightloss.com.
They are giving away a free ebook called "365 tips for healthy living". I didn't expect it to be any good because it's free but it's actually brilliant so I thought i'd share it here :)
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